let we discuss how to find Log switches in Database with Details of oracle11g
Note: V$LOG_HISTORY displays log history information from the control file.
I am going to take log switches count till before the month end
(i.e current date is '27-Sep-17' using last_day function
it consider the date is '30-Sep-2017')
SQL> col c1 for a10 heading "Month"
SQL> col c2 for a25 heading "ArchiveDate"
SQL> col c3 for 999 heading "Switches"
SQL> SQL> col c1 for a10 heading "Month"
SQL> col c2 for a25 heading "ArchiveDate"
SQL> col c3 for 999 heading "Switches"
SQL> select to_char(trunc(first_time),'Month') c1,
to_char(trunc(first_time),'DAY:DD-MM-YY') c2,
count(*) c3 from V$log_history
where first_time > last_day(trunc
(sysdate) - 30)+1
group by trunc(first_time) order by trunc(first_time);
Month ArchiveDate Switches
---------- ---------------- --------
September THURSDAY :14-09-17 2
September FRIDAY :15-09-17 1
September MONDAY :18-09-17 1
September TUESDAY :19-09-17 2
September WEDNESDAY:20-09-17 1
September THURSDAY :21-09-17 2
September FRIDAY :22-09-17 4
September MONDAY :25-09-17 1
September TUESDAY :26-09-17 2
September WEDNESDAY:27-09-17 2
from the sysdate into last no of days if we want to take long switches count
Let remove the "last_day" function.
SQL> col c1 for a10 heading "Month"
SQL> col c2 for a25 heading "ArchiveDate"
SQL> col c3 for 999 heading "Switches"
SQL> select to_char(trunc(first_time),'Month') c1,
to_char(trunc(first_time),'DAY:DD-MM-YY') c2,
count(*) c3 from V$log_history
where first_time > (trunc(sysdate) - 30)
group by trunc(first_time)
order by trunc(first_time);
Note: First_time=Lowest system change number (SCN) in the log,
For global view of all instances of RAC databases
SQL> select to_char(first_time, 'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi:ss' )"ArchiveDate",
sequence#, thread# from gv$log_history;
--------------------------- ---------- ----------
14-sep-17 16:21:42 1 1
14-sep-17 16:21:53 2 1
15-sep-17 15:08:36 3 1
18-sep-17 09:42:27 4 1
19-sep-17 09:40:55 5 1
19-sep-17 12:36:53 6 1
20-sep-17 09:43:03 7 1
21-sep-17 09:44:31 8 1
21-sep-17 15:31:55 9 1
22-sep-17 09:44:11 10 1
22-sep-17 10:41:59 11 1
22-sep-17 12:59:20 12 1
22-sep-17 13:29:42 13 1
25-sep-17 09:00:19 14 1
26-sep-17 09:43:03 15 1
26-sep-17 15:44:32 16 1
27-sep-17 10:24:34 17 1
27-sep-17 10:29:09 18 1
18 rows selected.